From the Host, Jeff Lippman:
“Richard Anderson is the acclaimed author of Nautilus Award winner “The Evolution of Life” and “Outbound Islands in the Void”. He’s a researcher par excellance and a three time guest of the show. Our topic is climate change. Is the Earth at a tipping point? Or has it past that tipping point? Many argue climate change is cyclical or not man made. Others argue we are not near, let alone past, any tipping point. Others feel science and technology will resolve these issues. Anderson believes we are mostly past the point of no return. Not necessarily because we can’t reverse and address certain key problems; but because we won’t. Our politics are too divided. The nations of the world are too divided with differing priorities and resources. Science is no longer respected and anything establishment has been undermined by the YouTube citizen researcher culture. This almost made it into Garden of Doom but since we stuck mostly to science and real politique, Views it is. In this case, the water being warm is one of the problems.
Welcome to the Garden of Doom or Garden of Views, where some things grow and others not so much. This is an exploration of our world; the hidden world beneath; and the world beyond. Your hosts, Sha & Jeff will explore current events, pop culture, cryptozoology; Theo-mythology; alien encounters; the historíes of mankind; and the occasional Irish whip into wrestling; and more. So join us, every epic has its beginning.
Richard Anderson
October 24th, 2024
Book, Author, evolution, interview, podcast, a funny way of looking