This is the eigth blog where I will be sharing chapters from my second book. Read the earler chapters on my blog page.
The story begins where The Evolution of Life: Big Bang to Space Colonies ended. Whereas the first book was non-fiction, this second one is fiction as the events described occur in the future. I will be releasing parts of my novel in draft form hoping to get some feedback from interested readers. I plan to set up a new release from Islands in the Void periodically. Some may be complete chapters. However, when a part of a chapter can convey an interesting thought or action, I will use that. You are always welcome to offer comments at:
Chapter 5 Part 1
“I’m such a spineless ——sometimes I feel I’m little more than a sea jelly.” Dr. Virgil Greenly
Saturday Jan. 17, 2246
It was two days after Virgil’s message exchange with Dag.
“Yes Ofelia?”
“I just got word they found Rhett. He and his family survived a helicopter crash.”
“And they’re all right? What happened? It’s been more than two weeks. What took so long?” Virgil said in rapid succession.
“Well, no. They are not all right. His wife Koral and the girls should be released from the hospital soon.”
“And about Rhett? We should have been notified before now!” Virgil tried to suppress the anger and concern in his voice.
“Rhett will remain in the hospital. He suffered a severed spine. We are not high in priority with some members of the government. The delay is an expression of someone’s disdain for the Space Settlement Program. It is seen by some as an elite operation that drains Earth resources.” Ofelia replied.
“Shit that’s awful!” Virgil thought for a moment, then. “But, with electronic implants he should soon be on his feet. Shouldn’t be more than two months? He could still relieve me as before.”
“That’s what you would like, but it’s not about you Virgil.”
“I want him back. You’re right though. It’s because I need him back. But it’s also because I want him up and working again. And he won’t be happy until he is.”
“Yes.” Ofelia paused, not for herself but to give Virgil more time to process the information.
“You see Virgil, Rhett has opted for regenerative treatment. He will accept nothing less than full recovery.”
“Full recovery?”
“Yes Virgil.”
“But that can take a couple of years.”
“It can.”
“Shit!! If he takes that option, I could be stuck with this project. There remains a lot of construction here. Ellie 4 construction hasn’t been started yet and there’s the completion of the APS at Ceres Station that’s also behind schedule. Zaria at NASA Moon Base SP is no help. She’s useless.”
“Again, with the ‘shit’? and it’s still about you….eh, Virgil?” This time Ofelia’s voice had an edge. She paused again then continued in a softer tone. “I see this as a terrific opportunity Virgil. You’ve barely had three months on-the-job experience and you are now able to have a lasting impact on the whole concept of these space islands.”
Virgil considered Ofelia’s comment. ESO was as dysfunctional as any of the Earth government bureaucracies. If he followed Rhett’s lead, he could do what he wanted with impunity.
“Yes Virgil?”
“I’m such a spineless ——sometimes I feel I’m little more than a sea jelly.”
“Sea jelly indeed. Yes, you are a self-absorbed, self-pitying sea jelly Virgil. I’ll remind you that unlike someone near and dear, however, you do have a spine. Yours is intact, fully connected, and functional. I’ll also remind you that your knowledge and technical skills are matched by exactly no one, Dr. Greenly!”
“Ouch!! I deserved that but thanks.”
“Tell you what Virgil, everyone feels that way at times.”
“What about you?”
“I am the exception because I’m not a human person, subject to your —-ahh let us say the limitations of your species. You could think of me as supremely knowledgeable and virtually virtuous, Virgil.”
“Cute, those without a tongue don’t suffer tongue twisters…… I guess then that I could be powerful with you at my side. Or, umm in my head.”
“Will be, not could be!”
“You WILL be powerful with me in your head. You underestimate me, Virgil, and you underestimate yourself.” Ofelia said.
Within four months the Laser Cannon was in place at SEL 3 and charged by its massive solar array. Dag had completed the receiver for the second laser at Ceres Station and the first tests were successful. The framework for the new habitat at Ceres Station also began.
During the winter doldrums Dag and his scientists had developed a new process to expand the use of graphene bonded to nickel foil. Long sheets of that material would greatly increase resistance to expansive forces caused by rotation. This innovation would increase the life of rotating space islands. A high carbon asteroid (Type C) had been towed to a parking orbit near the Ceres APS/MAC. At that facility the carbon allotrope, graphene was being produced and bonded to the nickel foil. A graphene is a sheet just one molecule thick in a linked hexagon configuration. It is very ‘sticky’ in that form and tends to fold back on itself or bond to just about anything. This property can be neutralized if it is bonded to a metal. In this case nickel was the metal of choice. As complex as it was, Dag and his scientists had developed a sequenced manufacturing and bonding process. Long strips of that material would revolutionize his and future space Islands. They would unspool nickel foil and plate graphene onto it as it was being formed. The resulting nickel bonded mesh had a tinsel strength many hundreds of times greater than steel. It could be produced in quantities large enough to wrap an island cylinder.
“Yes Ofelia.”
“You have a call.”
Virgil was in his office. He still thought of it as Rhett Blackwood’s. He was standing behind Rhett’s interactive desk before a video wall screen.
“Is it important? I’m about to view a presentation from Dag about the new graphene bonding process his team developed.”
“That can wait.” Ofelia said. “Ali Ebrahim, the Secretary General of Global States United wishes to speak to you.”
“To me??”
“Why? He doesn’t know me.”
“He knows of you.”
“I don’t want him to know of me!”
“Not your choice Virgil. I’m connecting you now.”
“Virgil! Hi! This is Ali Ebrahim. I’m sure you’ve heard of the tragedy with Rhett Blackwood and his family.”
“Yes sir, he will be a real loss to the project, and I will miss him as a friend. His expected recovery is incredibly good news sir.”
“To be sure. He is a good friend and confidante to me as well. Listen son; the reason for my call. I do have some good news for you. I want to personally welcome you as a member of the team.”
“T-the team sir?”
“Yes indeed. You are now the General Director of our Space Settlement Program.”
“B-But sir, I have just been on the program for a few months. I’m sure you have more qualified…”
“Perhaps, but according to Ofelia and my own virtual implant Anni, you have the greatest potential for success in this expanding project.”
“Uh, thank you sir. I will certainly think about it. —–It is a great honor. Uh, sir.”
“No need. Dr. Virgil Greenly, General Director of Space Programs, has a nice ring to it. Don’t you think so son? It’s a position that surpasses that held by Rhett Blackwood. Of course, you’ll still need to work through ESO. They control the purse strings.”
“Umm, t-thank you sir.”
“Don’t thank me, Doctor. I have grand expectations for your future performance. I know you will deliver.”
Virgil felt lightheaded. He did not know he would deliver. And he did not want anyone to have grand expectations of him, especially Ali Ebrahim the Governor General of Global States United.
“I certainly hope so sir.”
“ESO will be sending you some objectives and new guidelines. Good luck son!”
“Y- yes sir.”
Virgil grabbed at the desktop as he fell back and was caught by Rhett’s chair… his chair.
“Yes Virgil?”
“I need to go back to my treehouse where I can just curl up on my sleep platform. I think the fetal position will help.”
“Is the ice melting?”
“Very funny.”
“Quiet meditation might be more dignified. Perhaps it will also keep your pants dry.” Ofelia offered.
“Alright. Please ask Dag to postpone the presentation.” Virgil unconsciously moved his hand to the crotch of his pants. They were still dry.
Richard Anderson
June 19, 2023
Book, Author, Islands in the Void